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Proceedings at international conferences, publications and research activities

Since 2005, MZA has developed a sector of the company dedicated to study and research into steel connections and numerical methods for structural engineering, in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering of Padova University.

In 2007 the firm was awarded European funding for the project Numerical analysis for the mechanical response of railway tracks subjected to impulsive cyclic loads, in collaboration with the Federico II University of Naples.

In 2008, having presented parametric numerical studies to the members of CEN–TC250/SC9, MZA was appointed by Socotec France to carry out verification of the aluminium brackets in the CMA-CGM headquarters tower (Marseille), with non-linear hardening criteria based on the Ramberg-Osgood formulation. Furthermore, since 2014 MZA has been working together with the Department of Civil, Environmental & Mechanical Engineering of Trento University and the CCTH (Centre of Competence for Tubes and Hollow Sections, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) on a research study entitled Complex joints in tubular structures manufactured exploiting laser cutting techniques, focusing on the field of robotic-laser bevelling of tubular end-members according to the recent European standard EN 1090 (Execution of steel and aluminium structures) and AS/NZS 5131 (Structural steelwork – fabrication and erection). The first issue which was recently presented at ISTS16 (16th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, held in Melbourne, 2-5 December 2017).

In 2019, in cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering Technology of EGS University (Paris), the laser company CMM Laser (Mantova) and Arup (Pty) Ltd (Johannesburg), MZA Research achieved the first 5 samples of CHS-to-CHS T-joints, with continuous variation in the post-bevelled dihedral angle along the intersection path, allowing for the detailed documentation of the throat-plane size and stress distribution through the weld region of a fully welded PJP (Partial Joint Penetration), in accordance to the international welding codes EN (ISO) 9692 (european), AS/NZS1554 (australian/newzealand) and AWS-D1.1 (american). The experimental phase was conducted by making use of a 3D FABRI GEAR 220 MK3 six-axes CO2, 4.00 kW source laser produced by Mazak Optonics Corp (Japan). Details of this experimental research have been presented at the recent ISTS17 (17th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, hosted by the National University of Singapore, 9-12 December 2019).

Mastropasqua A, Majowiecki M
CHS-to-CHS welded intersections: dihedral angle properties and directional enhancement factor according to EN1993-1-8, (submitted to) Proceedings of ISTS18 (18th International Symposium on Tubular Structures)
2023, Beijing, China

Rigone P, Mazzucchelli ES, Mastropasqua A
Aluminium design optimization for bracket and façade components according to Eurocode 9,  Proceedings of ABS17 (17th Advanced Building Skins Conference)
2022, Bern, Switzerland

Mastropasqua A, Sportelli L, Duarte C
Prototyping of CHS-to-CHS intersections welded by partial joint penetration (PJP) with continuously variable dihedral-preparation of the bevel according to ISO9692, Proceedings of LASER OPTICS 2022 (European Congress on Laser, Optics and Photonics)
2022, Amsterdam, The Netherland

Mastropasqua A, Majowiecki M, Duarte C
Laser tube technology – A new automation procedure in end-preparation of CHS-to-CHS intersections welded by partial joint penetration (PJP): design, constructional and experimental remarks, Proceedings of Eurosteel 2021 (9th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures)
2021, Shieffield, United Kingdom

Mastropasqua A, Sportelli L, Raso S, Duarte C
Laser tube cutting – Throat and stress distribution in CHS-to-CHS joints welded by partial joints penetration (PJP) according to EN9692, AS/NZS1554 and AWS-D1.1, Proceedings of ISTS17 (17th International Symposium on Tubular Structures)
2019, Singapore, Republic of Singapore

Durante S, Trolese E, Raso S
Role, collocation and construction trends of tubular structures in the field of industry and architecture – The new laser tube cutting technology, Proceedings of 27th Italian Steel Conference, CTA Conference
2019, Bologna, Italy

Durante S, Trolese E, Reitano C, Wang Bing E
The steel-glass system of the Generali Tower by Zaha Hadid Architects (Citylife District, Milan): a stunning combination of form and equilibrium
Costruzioni Metalliche, n° 3/2018 (May-June 2018), Italy

Herion S, Fleischer O, Hrabowsky J, Mastropasqua A, Bononi E, Raso S, Valli A
Laser tube cutting – effects on fatigue behavior of K-joints, Proceedings of ISTS16 (16th International Symposium on Tubular Structures)
2017, Melbourne, Australia

Trolese E, De’Angelis P
The FE numerical analysis by stages of the City-Life commercial trade center: the steel-glass Atrium system (Hadid Tower, Milan), Proceedings of CAE 2017 (International Conference on CAE and Computational Technologies for Industry)
2017, Vicenza, Italy

Durante S, Trolese E, Patron G, Argenta G, Reitano C, Wei N
The City Life commercial trade center: design note & technical remarks of the steel-glass atrium system (Hadid Tower, Milan), Proceedings of 26th Italian Steel Conference, CTA Conference
2017, Venice, Italy

Trolese E, Durante S, Fusaro G
The Odéon Tower (Principality of Monaco): steel and glass together for a spectacular skyline
Costruzioni Metalliche, n° 4/2015 (July-August 2015), Italy

Trolese E, Dalmasso S
The steel-membrane tensile system used for the new university campus Luigi Einaudi in Turin, Proceedings of CAE 2014 (International Conference on CAE and Computational Technologies for Industry)
2014, Verona, Italy

Masala S, Mastropasqua A
On the seismic response of the steel-glass systems located at the top of the Tour Odeon (Principality of Monaco), Proceedings of CAE 2014 (International Conference on CAE and Computational Technologies for Industry)
2014, Verona, Italy

Zanchin M, Trolese E, Chesini D
Seismic analysis for the steel-glass roof systems of the Odeon Tower complex (Montecarlo – Monaco), Proceedings of Eurosteel 2014 (7th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures)
2014, Naples, Italy

Zanchin M, Trolese E, Dalmasso S, Chiabrando L, Hofer M, Brignach A
The dynamic response of the roof-tensile structure used for the new university campus Luigi Einaudi in Turin, Proceedings of 24th Italian Steel Conference, CTA Conference
2013, Turin, Italy

Zanchin M, Mastropasqua A
The new Luigi Einaudi university campus in Turin: an interesting roof created using a steel membrane tensile system
Costruzioni Metalliche, n° 1/2013 (January-February 2013), Italy

Mastropasqua A, Zanchin M, Gori R
Numerical evaluation of chord failure resistance for multi-intersection joints with non-regular geometry: a case study, Proceedings of CST 2012 (11th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology)
2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Angotzi A, Mussi A, Zanchin M, Trolese E, Gori R, Mastropasqua A
The collapse of a skylight shell structure caused by a blast, Proceedings of CST 2012 (11th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology)
2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Mastropasqua A, Zanchin M, Gori R
Numerical assessment of the chord failure resistance for multi-intersection tubular joints with non-regular geometry, Proceedings of 23rd Italian Steel Conference, CTA Conference
2011, Ischia, Italy

Mastropasqua A, Zanchin M, Gori R
Curtain wall and facade bracket systems
Nuova Finestra, n°2/2010 (February), Italy

Gori R, Mastropasqua A
Collapse of shallow shell systems due to blast events, Proceedings of IF CRASC09 (4th Conference on Structural Failures and Reliability of Civil Structures)
2009, Naples, Italy

Mastropasqua A, Zanchin M, Gori R
Finite Element Analysis for aluminium bracket’s system of curtain walls: elastic-hardening and local plastic response of material, Proceedings of 22nd Italian Steel Conference, CTA Conference
2009, Padova, Italy

Mastropasqua A, Zanchin M, Gori R
Bibliothèque-Médiathèque Marguerite Yourcenar (Paris): design and installation technical remarks of the steel-glass system “G-facade”
Costruzioni Metalliche, n° 6/2008 (November-December 2008), Italy

Mastropasqua A, Zanchin M, Gori R
Bibliothèque-Médiathèque Marguerite Yourcenar (Paris): design and installation technical remarks of the steel-glass system “G-facade”, Proceedings of 21st Italian Steel Conference, CTA Conference
2007, Catania, Italy

Gori R, Mastropasqua A
On the dynamic response of multi cable-beam systems for façade tensile structures, Proceeding of CST 2006 (8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology)
2006, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Gori R, Majowiecki M, Mastropasqua A
Non-linear finite element analysis of tensile structures used to stabilize the external north façade of Pad 19-20 in Bologna Trade Fair: comparison of two different proposed solutions, Proceedings of CST 2004 (7th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology)
2004, Lisbon, Portugal

Carniato N, Mastropasqua A, De Luca O, Perin M
Autosearch pre-tension for mechanical systems with high number of pre-stressed cable elements, Proceedings of TCN CAE 2003 (International Conference on CAE and Computational Technologies for Industry), developed in cooperation with Permasteelisa Steel Department
2003, Cagliari, Italy

Gori R, Majowiecki M, Mastropasqua A
The stabilisation structures of large facade areas: studies for Pavillon 19-20 at the Bologna Trade Fair
Costruzioni Metalliche, n° 2/2004 (March-April 2004), Italy